Lottery Stats

Results Checker

Results Checker

You might be wondering if your selected numbers have been drawn recently. While it's extremely unlikely that the same number combination will appear again in the near future, it can be more advantageous to play with numbers that haven’t won yet. Remember, each number has an equal chance of being drawn in every draw, so it’s not impossible for the same combination to appear again. However, statistical observations suggest that it’s better to focus on numbers that haven't won previously.

What Numbers Are Worth Picking?

There may not be a number combination that has never had at least three matches in the Lotto game, but you might find combinations that have never had four matches. Some players believe that it's better to select number combinations that haven’t been "worn out" yet. According to the statistics, every number combination will eventually be drawn, as every number is guaranteed to be selected sooner or later.

However, the challenge is that there are many possible combinations. Lotto has 45,057,474 possible combinations, EuroMillions has 139,838,160, Thunderball has 8,060,598, and Set For Life has 15,339,390 combinations in total. If we assume that no combination is drawn twice and there are two Lotto draws per week, it would take about 433,244 years to draw every possible combination once. For EuroMillions, it would take 1,344,597 years, and for Set For Life, around 147,494 years. Thunderball, with four draws per week, has the shortest lead time at 38,752 years.

The Lotto game started 31 years ago, EuroMillions 21 years ago, Thunderball 26 years ago, and Set For Life 6 years ago. Given this, it’s very unlikely that any number combination has been drawn twice, though it's possible it could happen in a few thousand or even 10,000 years.

Ultimately, the only thing that’s certain about lotteries is that if you don’t play, you can’t win.

How to Use the Results Checker

You can enter your selected numbers on the pages below. Not only can you check whether your chosen combination has ever hit the jackpot, but you can also see if it’s ever won any prize. Good luck!

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